Weiß Schwarz - BanG Dream! Ave Mujica Booster Display (12 Packs) Englisch *VORVERKAUF* 18.07.2025
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Sprache: Englisch
The members of Ave Mujica now arrive on the stage of Weiß Schwarz, along with the return of MyGO!!!!!
Catch well-known scenes from the show in card form!
Build your deck with your favorite characters and relive their performances with this Booster Pack!
Consists of newly-drawn illustrations! ♪
This Booster Pack features a total of 20 newly-drawn illustrations of each the members, illustrated by the following artists:
• 信澤 収 (Character Designer of BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!)
• Shuzuku (Main Key Visual Designer of MyGO!!!!!)
• Vea (Illustrator of『Mas?uerade Rhapsody Re?uest』's MV)
Please note that SIRs (Serial Rares) have been added to Booster Packs starting from this product. SIR cards will have the same illustrations as AGR, but with hot-stamped signs instead of hand signs.
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards with card numbers beginning with "BD/"!
Special Items!! (Exclusive to 1st Edition only)
• 1 of 10 Going First, Going Second cards in every display box!
• Carton Topper: 1 English Edition exclusive Stitched Playmat included in every carton!
Product Specifications
Total 100 types of cards + 140 types (Parallel)
8 cards per pack, 12 packs per display
24 displays per carton